The members of the Computer Engineering Advisory Board help our deparment while shaping the undergraduate and graduate education program, senior projects, and graduate level theses according to the needs of the industry as well as fostering university-industry collaborations. Currently, the Computer Engineering Advisory Board has members from Google, VESTEL, Ericsson, Arçelik, Alcatel-Lucent, TC Health, MIT, Harvard University, Bilkent University, Sabancı University.



R&D Manager, NOKIA

İhsan ÖZCAN graduated from İstanbul Technical Univarsity Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering. He started his professional career in 1987 at Radio-Television Authority of Turkey. He worked in Libya in 1989 for ENKA. In 1990 he started at Alcatel-Teletaş family as software engineer. Between 1990-1993 he worked as software engineer at Levent station in Turkey. Between 1993-2000 he worked as technical project manager in Türk Telekom, Netherlands KPN, Malta and Albany Telecom's customers internet infrastructure projects for Begium Alcatel Bell. Özcan returned to Turkey in 2000 and started to establishing first insternational R&D, support, and integration teams on internet technologies. Alcatel Lucent Teletaş has become the biggest technical support center in EMEA Region. As well as establishing these teams Özcan takes office in Türk Telekom RAS, Fix-NGN, DSL ve IP/MPLS projects as operation and project manager and has served in various local and international management positions as Global NGN/IMS/IPTV/IP/DSL network entegration group manager. Özcan is working as Alcatel-Lucent Teletaş EMEA Technical Operation Center and R&D Group Manager since February 2009.

Cihan TAŞ

Cihan TAŞ
Software Engineer, Google, USA

Cihan is a site reliability software engineer in the G+ Photos team at Google, currently focusing on the optimization of datacenter networks. Prior to Google, Cihan worked at Siemens Corporate Research in the area of wireless networks, broadly ranging from vehicle-to-vehicle networks to smart-grid communication networks. Cihan holds a BSc degree from Bilkent University, and MSc and PhD degrees from University of Maryland, College Park, all in computer science. Cihan is happily married since 2011.

Andrew BERRY

Prof. Andrew BERRY
Faculty Member, Harvard, Cambridge, USA

Andrew Berry (born 1963) English evolutionary biologist and science historian. He is well known with his works on Alfred Russel Wallace. He was a Junior Fellow at the Harvard Society of Fellows and is currently a lecturer in Organismic and Evolutionary Biology at Harvard University. He also works as guest lecturer in Sabancı University on ecology and evolution. In 2003 he wrote a book named: "Infinite tropics: an Alfred Russel Wallace anthology" and with James D. Watson he wrote "DNA: The Secret of Life". He got zoology degree from Oxford Üniversity, St John College. He got his PhD from Princeton Üniversity on evolutionary genetic. He did his post doctorial research in Richard Lewontin's laboratory at Harvard University.


R&D Manager, Arçelik

Cem Kural graduated from Middle East Technical University (Ankara, Turkey) Electrical & Electronics Engineering Department and started to work at the Turkish Electronics Industry R&D in 1992. He continued to his education at same university and completed M.Sc. thesis on antenna theory program in 1995.He had started to work as R&D Engineer at Arcelik A.S. in 1995 and worked in different positions.Since 2012, he has been working as R&D Director, with his primary responsibilities to create the pioneering technologies in an open-innovation environment to differentiate the company globally. There are more than 1000 R&D employees and more than 40million€ R&D expenditure.


R&D Manager, Ericsson

Fatma ÖZDEMİR was graduated from Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering at Middle East Technical University in 1996. The first two years she worked in Department of R&D of Türk Elektrik Endüstrisi A.Ş.(TEE) as an electromagnetic design engineer. Since 1998 she worked as microelectronic design engineer and manager of R&D teams of international companies like Alcatel Microelectronics, ST Microelectronics, ST-Ericsson, and Ericsson. Currently, she is working as R&D Director of Ericsson Türkiye.


Prof. Peter Andrew Dourmashkin
Faculty Member, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Boston, USA


Professor Peter Andrew Dourmashkin was graduated from MIT Department of Physics in 1976. He finished his MS on "Broken Symmetries in Classical Gauge Field Theories" with Professor Carleton Detar'a administraiton in1978 at MIT Department of Mathematics. Then he worken on "A Poisson-Plancherel Formula for the Universal Covering Group with Lie Algebra of type Bn" as Ph.D. thesis under Profesör Michele Vergne and finished in 1984. Prof. Dourmashkin is still a senior lecturer at MIT Department of Physics.


R&D Leader, Vestel

Öner Tekin graduated from ITU Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering in 1998. In the same year he started working as hardware design engineer at Netaş R&D. At the same time he received his BS from Bosphorus University Department of Electrical-Electronics Engineering. Öner Tekin is currently a Ph.D student and working as guest lecturer in Yeditepe University and teaching technology lessons.


General Manager, TCHealth A.Ş

Salih Güreş graduated from İstanbul Technical University Faculty of Mines in 1983. He started in Türkiye Petrolleri A.O. as software engineer. In 1987 he finished Macquarie University Sydney Computer Sci. Master programme. In Sydney he worked as software engineer and project manager for different companies. Then he returned to Turkey, and worked for Netaş, Koç system and established OPUS Bilgi Sistemleri A.Ş. In 2000 he worked for TEPE Teknoloji A.Ş as general manager/partner. In 2007 he received B.A education at Insead Fontainebleau. Now he is currently working as general manager at TCHealth A.Ş.

Prof. Dr. Aytül ERÇİL
Faculty Member, Sabancı University

Prof. Erçil has received a B.S. in Electrical Engineering and in Mathematics from Boğaziçi University, M.S. and PhD in Applied Math from Brown University, has worked at General Research Laboratories for five years. She has been a faculty member and founding director of BUPAM Pattern Analysis and Machine Vision Laboratory at Boğazici University in 1988-2001 and has been a faculty member and founding director of VPALAB Computer vision and Pattern Analysis Laboratory at Sabancı University since 2001. Prof. Erçil has directed many international projects (Nato, FP4, Eureka, NSF, FP6, Nedo, FP7). She has 3 patents and over 150 publications in computer vision and pattern recognition areas. Prof. Ercil was the founding partner and CEO of Vistek A.Ş. since 2006, a technology company specialized in industrial vision, to be included in Deloitte 50 (50 fastest growing high tech companies in Turkey) in 2013, and later to be acquired by ISRA Vision A.G.. She is currently the majority share holder and CEO of Vispera A.Ş. and a partner at Rebuslabs Ltd.

Prof. Dr. H. Altay GÜVENİR
Faculty Member, Bilkent University

H. Altay Güvenir was born in Bursa, Turkey, in 1957. He received his B.S. and M.S. degrees in Electrical Engineering from Istanbul Technical University, in 1979 and 1981, respectively. He received his Ph.D. degree in Computer Engineering and Science from Case Western Reserve University in 1987. He joined the faculty at Bilkent University in 1987. He is serving as the chairman of the Department of Computer Engineering since 2001.  His research interests include Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Data Mining mining, and Intelligent Data Analysis.